Project Restore is an ocean restoration group rehabilitating degraded seascapes in urbanised environments across Sydney Harbour. We were engaged to develop a versatile visual identity that establishes the project as accessible, educational, and environmentally aware.
What we delivered
- brand identity
- collateral
- motion
- copywriting
- illustration
- merchandise
At the heart of the new Project Restore identity is a simple but bold logomark. Combining P and R letterforms as well as a subtly embedded fish icon, the logomark serves as a symbol of restoration, regeneration, and renewal.
Inspired by the silhouettes of marine life, we crafted a bespoke collection of textural icons to add depth and character to the identity. Whether appearing in various configurations, locked up with the logomark or standing alone, each icon references the diverse ecosystems that span the harbour and underscores Project Restore’s commitment to the holistic rejuvenation of urban waterways.
In addition to the logomark and iconography, a bold ocean blue and subtle cream palette, paired with proud and impactful uppercase headlines, helps to convey the urgency of Project Restore’s mission.
The new identity empowers the Project Restore team with the confidence and flexibility to educate and engage both the public and policymakers, and help breathe new life into Sydney Harbour.